HDF  `OHDR-a?d{mca?d{mcj" "  xJFRHPJ (BTHDd( ZBTHD  d( 1FSHDJPx([1ȑBTLF8$ 8Z*8.գ6~8 =N8C>@ ݧE8@WWf@ Q|@@P_iOHDR  @ deflate}hFRHPs  psBTHD d(2t űEBTHDd(2v =_GCOL1.03#Uchuu-Planck2018-UniverseMachine galaxies -------- #id: Unique halo ID #upid: -1 for central halos, otherwise, ID of largest parent halo #Mvir: Halo mass (Bryan & Norman 1998 virial mass, Msun) #sm: True stellar mass (Msun) #icl: True intracluster stellar mass (Msun) #sfr: True star formation rate (Msun/yr) #obs_sm: observed stellar mass, including random & systematic errors (Msun) #obs_sfr: observed SFR, including random & systematic errors (Msun/yr) #obs_uv: Observed UV Magnitude (M_1500 AB) -------- #x y z: halo position (comoving Mpc/h) -------- #desc_id: ID of descendant halo (or -1 at z=0). #vx vy vz: halo velocity (physical peculiar km/s) #Mpeak: Halo peak historical mass (BN98 vir, Msun) #Vmax_Mpeak: Halo vmax at the time when peak mass was reached. #vmax: Halo vmax (physical km/s) #A_UV: UV attenuation (mag) -------- #Note: all halo masses converted to be in Msun, not Msun/h. #a: 0.0679 #Hubble: 0.6766 #Omega0: 0.3111 #OmegaLambda: 0.6889 #OmegaBaryon: 0.048975 #PrimodialIndex :0.9665 #Sigma8: 0.8102 #Boxsize: 1000.0 Mpc/h #sm cut: 5.000000e+07 Msun BTLF P888N88@@>@ ~8 .TREEA0"x^-}HSQqDrwEo+Xn#thRR)ˠ\)#&k!jVTFR $k NDf -酢=syabeG{9GY)D͸T *d]?0&>c&}bUcmŜ<Ѓ ؚ(Q"MNۇNQ?E۽y8b400D{D#8Y*0ݍR3`6ì?eqi}{G4D0f)pPocqZo6 !|$rxMM.ޜ{߈''W/6!_СàlhUfA-]̺Jvsn\\&|[g ք{l^܂rcN7y}'z9I|K}JuϢo'zk+q! `ޟB f*sBAEGA F9tq܀-x^Q \],`n\vx^M!HCQC !E! ݃* i6(x`qpA"  $8wW 9b9U6&שui8z_L\\i/&rBh*MsOڛ+ Е)kQ7q }|ѥfAL++I_Մ8 ZTӘlp hWGE-מn1^כ/Cg=g&UpVB_ob:N/E?'pVKp%YDZ 䀨5=$*f #&+ە$ Jn}es!S'sBFJ8MRs)N᠓_^VtUpg_!y"I{f/Q2.( >x^c``hOHDR  @ deflate<+}OTREEq$OHDR    deflatex4uETREE}$OHDR    deflate=uИtTREE &OHDR    deflateFu/DTREE(OHDR    deflate,PuTREE\Xx^ ,pDaDF!LN]!G#ͣCdYIsuyD5W#HbӚHmeIz7ԤJ}o?Q\e/J~JTRǛH }?4 Vr'X.1^+[s`5%|KYh 0f/' kiaZ8ŽYaܱ=YySY# 2O.K&WxQU䀓)&_iLvu 3]POƚÃ"EZ+Ua|DMYHņZ!R?]equW_Ҵn"nR=[SS3,-k5i;\v6v -">`xs-# ޕ3޳L\x-T G@jnqH5 kw";Ye.k|#Z7C[}K]2`|TVD]̉IaˢƎĭ=5r ~fE^{)+P&piKblj~4 mSKz W6ckN+aǿ/|E*} {apks=(yyiIruXb:))!xP!·_?RE&jRbQoFyHƏdN 6ÍIĘLOtA+#<6B? pDjT E뭰fp 3RC8`Ryۃ/7g.}ӫ)TNRy #r߀הTfsZ\:S?y14,RZl0}uqJe;RFy֠Y aG.p vd43?R$iqk*9N딨^~g-}^k(6FBEԪaU;M $}+OI{E0}w PQَyQg.jr43dxh"7M <2+1`vٛ4D2d%P!> 5)7"٘!|6S3aa8DZ0m.tӴx"?U6x^ O ۹^䥸J}?MJ+#:̵-r2\VMҋ+3?!1IExg(atUZLEGRsPO Aid%0*VOLQ m@6M[o_?ƈT,UV$ˬ)Ħij3ű0V>^d,lq#a5*}B"0}La2 Y ;+2$Tl+*\~6ۛ2y& =>C,Ơp?#,hr4]o"~kuIEKc0q̣!M\*'aCo !AKiMpȭF5Aj&r0=Ӻn+" iZ?FSSEJ}xFSSEsn=KFHDB"f$idupid0*Mvirl3sm<iclEsfr Oobs_sm\`obs_sfriobs_uvrFHDB-UniverseMachine VersionHeader TotNhalos@Boxsize ?@4 4@@ascale ?@4 4ea?Hubble ?@4 4' ?Omega0 ?@4 4EGr? OmegaLambda ?@4 4]Fx ? OmegaBaryon ?@4 4N@?PrimodialIndex ?@4 4!rh?Sigma8 ?@4 4(?!4bfd9eab7c9949ca8b1c506d1265de07GCOL#Uchuu1000-Pl18-UniverseMachine galaxies -------- #id: Unique halo ID. Share the ID with dark matter halo (appeared in Rockstar hlist catalogs and merger trees) in which galaxy resides if it is not an orphan. For orphans, the id is the last ID in the hlist + 10^15 * (number of snapshots as an orphan) #upid: -1 for central halos, otherwise, ID of largest parent halo #Mvir: Halo mass (Bryan & Norman 1998 virial mass, Msun/h) #sm: True stellar mass (Msun) #icl: True intracluster stellar mass (Msun) #sfr: True star formation rate (Msun/yr) #obs_sm: observed stellar mass, including random & systematic errors (Msun) #obs_sfr: observed SFR, including random & systematic errors (Msun/yr) #obs_uv: Observed UV Magnitude (M_1500 AB) -------- #x y z: halo position (comoving Mpc/h) -------- #desc_id: ID of descendant halo (or -1 at z=0). #vx vy vz: halo velocity (physical peculiar km/s) #Mpeak: Halo peak historical mass (BN98 vir, Msun/h) #Vmax_Mpeak: Halo vmax at the time when peak mass was reached. #vmax: Halo vmax (physical km/s) #A_UV: UV attenuation (mag) -------- #a: 0.0679 #Hubble: 0.6766 #Omega0: 0.3111 #OmegaLambda: 0.6889 #OmegaBaryon: 0.048975 #PrimodialIndex :0.9665 #Sigma8: 0.8102 #Boxsize: 1000.0 Mpc/h #sm cut: 5.000000e+07 Msun