------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ GLAM-SDSSbao lightcones ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5100 GLAM-SDSSbao lightcones. We decided not to apply the fibre collision correction to GLAM-SDSSbao, since its effect is negligible on the relevant scales for the RSD and BAO study done in our work. If you use the GLAM-SDSSbao galaxy lightcones, please cite the following paper: "Uchuu-SDSS galaxy lightcones: a clustering, RSD and BAO study by Dong-Páez, CA. et al. (2022)" https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022arXiv220800540D/abstract Then, please consider adding this text to the Acknowledgements section of your paper(s): http://www.skiesanduniverses.org/Simulations/Uchuu/UchuuCredits/ ------------------------------ Reading the files ----------------------------- Datasets can be read from the file in Python by doing, e.g. # read in ra, dec, z and halo virial mass import h5py f = h5py.File("mock_0_0.hdf5","r") ra = f["Data/ra"][...] dec = f["Data/dec"][...] z_obs = f["Data/z_obs"][...] Mtotal = f["Data/Mtotal"][...] f.close() -------------------------------- Footprint -------------------------------- The full footprint has an area 7261 sq deg ---------------------- Description of galaxy properties ---------------------- The following datasets are stored in each hdf5 file: Data/Mtotal Halo virial mass, in units Msun/h Data/Rvir Virial radius, in units kpc/h Data/dec Declination (degrees) Data/galaxy_id Galaxy type, where 1=central galaxy and 2=satellite galaxy Data/pos 3D position vector (comoving Mpc/h). Note that this is not the same as the coordinates in the cubic box. The coordinates where shifted so that the observer is at the origin, and the coordinates were also rotated on the sky when cutting to the SDSS footprint. It also includes periodic replications, so the coordinate in each direction can be larger than the box size. Data/ra Right ascension (degrees) Data/rs NFW scale radius, in kpc/h Data/vel 3D velocity vector, in physical km/s Data/vlos 3D velocity vector projected along line-of-sight, with the observer positioned at the origin, in physical km/s Data/z_cos cosmological redshift (ignoring velocities) Data/z_obs observed redshift (including peculiar velocity)