HDF  8`  TREE`1(DhJxX^88exrHx}0X`ha(X(8H8pHEAPxЏ Consistent Trees_columnsscale(0) id(1) desc_scale(2) desc_id(3) num_prog(4) pid(5) upid(6) desc_pid(7) phantom(8) sam_Mvir(9) Mvir(10) Rvir(11) rs(12) vrms(13) mmp?(14) scale_of_last_MM(15) vmax(16) x(17) y(18) z(19) vx(20) vy(21) vz(22) Jx(23) Jy(24) Jz(25) Spin(26) Breadth_first_ID(27) Depth_first_ID(28) Tree_root_ID(29) Orig_halo_ID(30) Snap_idx(31) Next_coprogenitor_depthfirst_ID(32) Last_progenitor_depthfirst_ID(33) Last_mainleaf_depthfirst_ID(34) Tidal_Force(35) Tidal_ID(36) Rs_Klypin(37) Mvir_all(38) M200b(39) M200c(40) M500c(41) M2500c(42) Xoff(43) Voff(44) Spin_Bullock(45) b_to_a(46) c_to_a(47) A[x](48) A[y](49) A[z](50) b_to_a(500c)(51) c_to_a(500c)(52) A[x](500c)(53) A[y](500c)(54) A[z](500c)(55) T/|U|(56) M_pe_Behroozi(57) M_pe_Diemer(58) Halfmass_Radius(59) rvmax(60) Macc(61) Mpeak(62) Vacc(63) Vpeak(64) Halfmass_Scale(65) Acc_Rate_Inst(66) Acc_Rate_100Myr(67) Acc_Rate_1*Tdyn(68) Acc_Rate_2*Tdyn(69) Acc_Rate_Mpeak(70) Acc_Log_Vmax_Inst(71) Acc_Log_Vmax_1*Tdyn(72) Mpeak_Scale(73) Acc_Scale(74) First_Acc_Scale(75) First_Acc_Mvir(76) First_Acc_Vmax(77) Vmax\@Mpeak(78) Tidal_Force_Tdyn(79) Log_(Vmax/Vmax_max(Tdyn;Tmpeak))(80) Time_to_future_merger(81) Future_merger_MMP_ID(82) Consistent Trees_metadata#scale(0) id(1) desc_scale(2) desc_id(3) num_prog(4) pid(5) upid(6) desc_pid(7) phantom(8) sam_Mvir(9) Mvir(10) Rvir(11) rs(12) vrms(13) mmp?(14) scale_of_last_MM(15) vmax(16) x(17) y(18) z(19) vx(20) vy(21) vz(22) Jx(23) Jy(24) Jz(25) Spin(26) Breadth_first_ID(27) Depth_first_ID(28) Tree_root_ID(29) Orig_halo_ID(30) Snap_idx(31) Next_coprogenitor_depthfirst_ID(32) Last_progenitor_depthfirst_ID(33) Last_mainleaf_depthfirst_ID(34) Tidal_Force(35) Tidal_ID(36) Rs_Klypin(37) Mvir_all(38) M200b(39) M200c(40) M500c(41) M2500c(42) Xoff(43) Voff(44) Spin_Bullock(45) b_to_a(46) c_to_a(47) A[x](48) A[y](49) A[z](50) b_to_a(500c)(51) c_to_a(500c)(52) A[x](500c)(53) A[y](500c)(54) A[z](500c)(55) T/|U|(56) M_pe_Behroozi(57) M_pe_Diemer(58) Halfmass_Radius(59) rvmax(60) Macc(61) Mpeak(62) Vacc(63) Vpeak(64) Halfmass_Scale(65) Acc_Rate_Inst(66) Acc_Rate_100Myr(67) Acc_Rate_1*Tdyn(68) Acc_Rate_2*Tdyn(69) Acc_Rate_Mpeak(70) Acc_Log_Vmax_Inst(71) Acc_Log_Vmax_1*Tdyn(72) Mpeak_Scale(73) Acc_Scale(74) First_Acc_Scale(75) First_Acc_Mvir(76) First_Acc_Vmax(77) Vmax\@Mpeak(78) Tidal_Force_Tdyn(79) Log_(Vmax/Vmax_max(Tdyn;Tmpeak))(80) Time_to_future_merger(81) Future_merger_MMP_ID(82) #Omega_M = 0.308900; Omega_L = 0.691100; h0 = 0.677400 #Full box size = 2000.000000 Mpc/h #Scale: Scale factor of halo. #ID: ID of halo (unique across entire simulation). #Desc_Scale: Scale of descendant halo, if applicable. #Descid: ID of descendant halo, if applicable. #Num_prog: Number of progenitors. #Pid: ID of least massive host halo (-1 if distinct halo). #Upid: ID of most massive host halo (different from Pid when the halo is within two or more larger halos). #Desc_pid: Pid of descendant halo (if applicable). #Phantom: Nonzero for halos interpolated across timesteps. #SAM_Mvir: Halo mass, smoothed across accretion history; always greater than sum of halo masses of contributing progenitors (Msun/h). Only for use with select semi-analytical models. #Mvir: Halo mass (Msun/h). #Rvir: Halo radius (kpc/h comoving). #Rs: Scale radius (kpc/h comoving). #Vrms: Velocity dispersion (km/s physical). #mmp?: whether the halo is the most massive progenitor or not. #scale_of_last_MM: scale factor of the last major merger (Mass ratio > 0.3). #Vmax: Maxmimum circular velocity (km/s physical). #X/Y/Z: Halo position (Mpc/h comoving). #VX/VY/VZ: Halo velocity (km/s physical, peculiar). #JX/JY/JZ: Halo angular momenta ((Msun/h) * (Mpc/h) * km/s (physical)). #Spin: Halo spin parameter. #Breadth_first_ID: breadth-first ordering of halos within a tree. #Depth_first_ID: depth-first ordering of halos within a tree. #Tree_root_ID: ID of the halo at the last timestep in the tree. #Orig_halo_ID: Original halo ID from halo finder. #Snap_idx: Index of snapshot (in original snapshot list) from which halo originated. #Next_coprogenitor_depthfirst_ID: Depthfirst ID of next coprogenitor. #Last_progenitor_depthfirst_ID: Depthfirst ID of last progenitor. #Last_mainleaf_depthfirst_ID: Depthfirst ID of last progenitor on main progenitor branch. #Tidal_Force: Strongest tidal force from any nearby halo, in dimensionless units (Rhalo / Rhill). #Tidal_ID: ID of halo exerting strongest tidal force. #Rs_Klypin: Scale radius determined using Vmax and Mvir (see Rockstar paper) #Mvir_all: Mass enclosed within the specified overdensity, including unbound particles (Msun/h) #M200b--M2500c: Mass enclosed within specified overdensities (Msun/h) #Xoff: Offset of density peak from average particle position (kpc/h comoving) #Voff: Offset of density peak from average particle velocity (km/s physical) #Spin_Bullock: Bullock spin parameter (J/(sqrt(2)*MVR)) #b_to_a, c_to_a: Ratio of second and third largest shape ellipsoid axes (B and C) to largest shape ellipsoid axis (A) (dimensionless). # Shapes are determined by the method in Allgood et al. (2006). # (500c) indicates that only particles within R500c are considered. #A[x],A[y],A[z]: Largest shape ellipsoid axis (kpc/h comoving) #T/|U|: ratio of kinetic to potential energies #M_pe_*: Pseudo-evolution corrected masses (very experimental) #Halfmass_Radius rvmax: Radius within which 1/2 of Mvir is enclosed. #Consistent Trees Version 1.01 #Macc,Vacc: Mass and Vmax at accretion. #Mpeak,Vpeak: Peak mass and Vmax over mass accretion history. #Halfmass_Scale: Scale factor at which the MMP reaches 0.5*Mpeak. #Acc_Rate_*: Halo mass (or log10 vmax) accretion rates in Msun/h/yr (or dex/yr). # Inst: instantaneous; 100Myr: averaged over past 100Myr, # X*Tdyn: averaged over past X*virial dynamical time. # Mpeak: Growth Rate of Mpeak, averaged from current z to z+0.5 # Log_Vmax: Growth Rate of Log10(Vmax) #Mpeak_Scale: Scale at which Mpeak was reached. #Acc_Scale: Scale at which satellites were (last) accreted. #First_Acc_Scale: Scale at which current and former satellites first passed through a larger halo. #First_Acc_(Mvir|Vmax): Mvir and Vmax at First_Acc_Scale. #Vmax@Mpeak: Halo Vmax at the scale at which Mpeak was reached. #Tidal_Force_Tdyn: Dimensionless tidal force averaged over past dynamical time. #Log_(Vmax/Vmax_max(Tdyn;TMpeak)): Log10 of Vmax_now over Vmax@(Tdyn ago) OR Vmax@Mpeak (if and only if Mpeak happened > 1Tdyn ago). #Time_to_future_merger: Time (in Gyr) until the given halo merges into a larger halo. (-1 if no future merger happens) #Future_merger_MMP_ID: most-massive progenitor of the halo into which the given halo merges. (-1 if the main progenitor of the future merger halo does not exist at the given scale factor.) @Consistent Trees_version1.01 H HDF5_version.GCOL1. 8 TotNhalos@z H h5py_version @input_catalog_typeConsistent Trees Hinput_filedatestamp ?@4 4ޒA Pinput_filename'All100.hdf5/hlist_00000026_0.12460.list ?@4 46R_xSNODP02 3(4 ?@4 4P7R_x ?@4 47R_x ?@4 48R_x<,*C@q= ף@<\m0@]KB@#s@%CG@=U$@2ı.E@H.>@St$_3E>?Qڳ@@nP42%3D@NbX9D9@M4@U0*9@oӟ@a;@W[>?@ ףp=j7ׁsF+@`TR'p@@ Uj@["@x#C@W[^(@gsC@"uq;@-!3vN#?%u8@/'2&1,B@q= ף3@ׁ3-@:M'@q@):/6@Nz1?Mb(1@|?5^|a23@H.8RI&#${A@㥛 P$@ OI@ rh>@'†W >D )@sF$@"L@jMS>@&S<@[ӼEC@P> @ǵ?V-,@|?5^z\].!@On23#=yX%9@#O@rWI@:;@q&h?RD ?|"@XOp@H.8@K7?@@Ǩ;@; ^@;"uqB@:vJ@?W[+@GrA@sh|,C@@)@ F%u"F@[ɎY8ŭD@12QkwD@Q @QIf6@o\p_@+e-}bY$@!up7+ݓG@@ rhD@St$0@>yX5=:@}b9'J8Vؿ.@xD@4k?b4:@ ,ׁs.@@W2@&SB4@!rh F%u9鷯$7XOA@E>ha> <>K%>}U>3>L>E0Ⱥ>F>g"ԁgX*>"Y[>+3>">1 > <>/#m>[{+_>:%K>R&V>V=0x> g>(i>g=X~b{>C >L۳]=6|?>@~ 60>8ݰ60>' j>h=aK|=ք>Étd>xv >kb>C =rz=@_@@K@պ@ݲ@@ޯ@@;@c@@@@]@J@@@Щ@#@˴@f@@@s@v@w@ @@@ @J@@@@ѵ@@@v@Ѱ@@)@@@6@(@"@p@@@^@ܭ@W@@@@L@&@@/@`@>@I@ʧ@z@@@_@A@H@@@۴@$@@ @&@@/@`@>@I@ʧ@z@@@_@A@H@@@۴@$@@ @ ?@4 49R_x ?@4 49R_x ?@4 4H:R_x ?@4 4:R_x ?@4 4x;R_xSNOD8>@?P@hA ?@4 4<R_x ?@4 4<R_x ?@4 4@=R_x ?@4 4RR_x ?@4 4=R_xSNODBPE`FpG ?@4 4HMR_x???????????????????AAo&hAaAnAf AϒJAA Ar AA B1BpB/Ba BzBu&B8B+{"pCAA=&hA8AvRA"P AxJA, AT8 A bAwBBpB/B} B`DB4O&B=8B$"pCӹ_oBHDsBb+oB`7qB 6&ApBXPtBMmpBӹ_oB xB$KsB^wBrB@oBSypB`Y4pB@oB@oBqBZnB???????????????????Hzy@|@ףp= w@zGz@(\Qy@(\|@ z@Q|@!~@(\b}@= ףp5{@Gz"z@zGy@(\w{@q= ףHy@Gzy@Ry@(\y@,x@MA\AhA!AA/AjApA),AdA] BB3pBBBSB`B BpC/$Y_@ r_@d;Ob@K7AP_@Mb0_@S]@"~\@tVX@p= ga@ʡ[@ʡue@㥛 `@Mb]@L7A`Z@/$Q^@$s\@mB^@S a@X9_@l g?l g?l g?l g?=yX5?l g?l g?l g?=yX5?l g?l g?l g?l g?l g?=yX5?l g?=yX5?l g?l g?9`}BGXBtVW5oTIt.Bk9k*ZMuB gX l3.BA'=XB>1B819D|`P7`XޝK[B _Ca0`TA&B)6#WB \8B@P@C?3By^B<4BFBNP*BvMe@u`Bx!+$E"QBAS*dPPySB?HB?B"9W@6SB*d@pA>RB5B@SBf>fyH\@«UB^ _@V†[HDCBAA=&hA8A|RA&P AxJA, AY8 AbA~BBpB/B} BgDB;O&B@8B%"pC@MR_@xNR_ ?@4 4OR_xSNODI8LHUXV ?@4 4OR_x ?@4 4@PR_x@PR_ ?@4 4pQR_xSNODhWY(Z8[ ?@4 4RR_x ?@4 4@R_xSNODH ?@4 48SR_x ?@4 4SR_xSNODP\`H_pHxc@hTR_@hR_AA=&hA8ARA;P AyJA%, At8 A;bABB7pBǵ/B} B|DBEO&B^8B%"pC3ı.n?`Ù??u7Ouȵ?G?Q?S:X???je?r_?uT5AԵ?wb֋?vӺ?eN?%ǝ?48E?g?RD?U+~?WL?nBp]rBq\amBVpBใoB0[$tBv pBnBxZ;xBrB?uB`lqB0MoBpIpB9oB@oBR4nB?qB kmB ńnB0 rBpUmB0(pB`nB1!tB0pBnB6xBrBDruB0XqBIbhB-jB@rB`/oBE{dB ~fBAgBpjBPʚeB]gBWteBegBJbBLkB,rBkBb8mBzqBTsB(eTlB[oB"uB rBE*tB@nBT{)mB@y:oB lBpkB)jBnB`&iBMupB`pBTB qB+qBpBl/VmBSgBirj{BrpB`!B@rB@"mB`XlB@gҪlBWlB%0oBrB$pBӹ_oBHDsBb+oB`7qB 6&ApBXPtBMmpBӹ_oB xB$KsB^wBrB@oBSypB`Y4pB@oB@oBqBZnBӹ_oBHDsBb+oB`7qB 6&ApBXPtBMmpBӹ_oB xB$KsB^wBrB@oBSypB`Y4pB@oB@oBqBZnB???????????????????ӹ_oBHDsBb+oB`7qB 6&ApBXPtBMmpBӹ_oB xB$KsB^wBrB@oBSypB`Y4pB@oB@oBqBZnB`^oB`CsB`.V)oB@E6qBzg@pBQtBzmpB`^oB xB9MsBٲ]wBFfrBoB`HxpBppBoBoBqB`L^nB ?@4 48iR_x ?@4 4iR_xSNOD(dfgp ?@4 4hjR_x ?@4 4kR_x ?@4 4kR_x ?@4 40lR_xSNODqtu(v ?@4 4lR_x ?@4 4`mR_x ?@4 4mR_x ?@4 4nR_xSNOD8wy(z0{ ?@4 4(oR_x ?@4 4oR_x@HR_AA=&hA8ARA

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