N=2000x7000L=2000zi100da=3.96E-04f0.040 A = 1.00309 Step = 0.01523 I = 136 Nrow = 2000 Ngrid= 7000 Omega_0= 0.3071 Omega_L= 0.0000 hubble = 0.6780 buffer width (Mpch) = 5.0000 Number of radial bins = 100 Mass of smallest particle (Msunh) = 8.5194E+10 Overdensity limit = 334.8951 XYZ(Mpch) Vxyz(km/s) Mbound Mtot/Msunh Rvir(kpch) Vrms(km/s) Vcirc Number of Halos = 7967423 Ndistinct = 5500000 Halo max Radius = 3.703 Mpch